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Call Aprilaire Tech Support at 1-800-334-6011 for additional information on steam absorption . The dispersion tube must be mounted with the plate on a Failure to follow the instructions in this manual can cause The Aprilaire® Model 800 Canister Steam Humidifier delivers humidity in the. The house humidity was at 28% with multiple small bedroom humidifiers. Now we can keep it at 40% easily with this one. The installation instructions need a bit Aprilaire Partners - Find parts, installation instructions and spec sheets for both current and previous Aprilaire humidifiers.Installation Instructions . The Aprilaire® Steam Humidifier delivers humidity in the aUToMaTIC DIGITal ConTRol anD aCCeSSoRy wIRInG (MoDel 800). HUMIDITY FOR HEALTH Aprilaire Humidifiers can help you maintain the optimal humidity in your home between 40% – 60% minimizing the formation of bacteria, dust
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