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Jf. Stalder, Claire Bernier, A Ball, Linda De Raeve, Uwe Gieler, M. Deleuran, Danielle Marcoux, Laurence Eichenfield, Sue Lewis-Jones, Carlo Gelmetti, Sue Lewis-Jones, Carlo Gelmetti, Roberto Takaoka, Christine Chiaverini, Therapeutic patient education (TPE) has proven effective in increasing How many children have today integrated the patient education programme in your department ? Formally, no patient has been enrolled. Our programme will start Research Fellow Occupational Dermatology Research and Education Centre Skin and PA, USA Carlo Gelmetti, MD Professor of Dermatology Department of Gaps in patient education. • Confusion about AD aetiology. • Search for a definite cure and lack of recognition of AD as a chronic disease. Carlo Gelmetti's 3 research works with 155 citations and 1022 reads, Therapeutic Patient Education in Children with Atopic Dermatitis: Position Paper on
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